Thailand Tee Off Experiment

Thailand Tee Off Experiment

Amata Spring Country Club Bangkok Despite my driver being a new Cobra ZL equipped with modern technological advancements, I kept it in my bag for my last 3 rounds played at Thai Country (Bangkok), Black Mountain (Hua Hin), and Amata Spring (Bangkok). Instead I used my 3-wood off the tee even though my 3-wood is four inches shorter than my driver and has four degrees more loft.

What do you think the results were?

With a distance advantage of 30 yards with my driver you would think that my long game would have been pressured and my score would have suffered, well this was not the case. In fact, I was able to hit an average of 12 fairways a round with my 3-wood and avoided all penalties (lost, OB, water) with my 3-wood off the tee. In the scoring department, I cut an average of 2 shots off my score, lowering my handicap to a respectable 12.

Now I wonder what will happen if I keep up this up?

Once upon a time, I used to see many Thailand golfers automatically turn to the 3-wood on tight holes. Nowadays though, this is rarely the case, Thanks to modern technology and big egos Thailand golfers almost always use the driver off the tee. They go for maximum distance and forget the game is about control. Of course, the case favoring the driver over the 3-wood isn't foolish as the extra distance does help with the second shots into the green. For golfers in Thailand who want to shoot well on their holidays there is food for thought; driver versus 3-wood.

I know I will give it a second thought more often and not be shy to tee off in Thailand with my 3-wood, especially on golf holes that have trouble along side the fairway.

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