Here is something to think about from Mike “Spike” Collier, Director of Golf at Three Generation Golf Academy (TGGA).
When golfing in Thailand what is the difference between being a swinger and a hitter? The number one difference is in the concept/mind-set and physical action between the two.That is to say, for a Thai golf swinger the club is pulled and thrown utilizing the feel of the weight of the swinging club head.
A Thai golf hitter pushes against the club stressing the shaft using the right arm, shoulder and back muscles. These are two very different Thai golf swing patterns that require different components to perform the action.
Far too often I see Thailand golfers struggling with their swings because their swing components are not compatible with each other. Most players will start out as a hitter because it feels natural to them. But 99.9% of the golf instruction out there is for swingers, so when these Thai golfers go for golf lessons they are told to do something that to them does not feel natural…confusion sets in and Thai handicaps go up.
Mixing the components of a hitter and a swinger spells disaster. Knowing the difference may very well help you eliminate confusion and give yourself permission to do what is more natural.
So, let’s take a look at some of the differences between the swinger and the hitter. Basically, the difference between swingers and hitters is where you go to for power and how the hands will work in the swing motion.
Swingers who are “pulling and throwing” are using the left hand as more of a hinge motion through the ball. The hitter will utilize the driving motion of right arm thrust through the use of the Right Hand to direct the clubhead on a straight line through the ball. Both are valid and powerful ways to hit a golf ball.
But which one suits you?
In a general sense the physical body and your personal make up can be a determining factor. For example, if you are stockier, muscular and are somewhat aggressive in nature you may very well adapt to the hitter’s pattern. If you are leaner, have longer muscles and are more laid back you may very well adapt to the swinger’s pattern. However, this is not set in stone. Anyone golfing in Thailand can be a hitter or a swinger by choice so; you need not be limited by the general conditions above. Find out which one you like, stick to it, and you will get the most enjoyment from your golf in Thailand.
For more information on swingers and hitters contact Spike Collier at [email protected]
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Enjoy golf in Thailand is always awesome. These very beautiful golf courses of Thailand always attracts golfer from the world. Here all golf clubs are surrounding by greenery.