Here is a post by one of our Thailand Golf Zone readers who golfed in Thailand last year.
I wasn’t sure if I should go on this Thailand golf trip or not, but my wife insisted. (Ed: Don’t we all wish we had wives like this!)
I’ll tell you it was one of the best golf trips I ever had. We golfed 14 days out of the 23 days we were there. The Pattaya and River Kwai golf courses were great. The caddies were remarkable. They know how to read a green. Everyone there was so friendly; it didn’t matter where you went. The food was so good; it didn’t matter where you ate. We went on some fantastic sightseeing and historical tours. All and all I loved the golfing. Guess what, I’m going again this year. Our group went through Golfasian Co. Ltd and I would have to give them a 10 out of 10 rating; remarkable service. And to top it all, The Thailand golf vacation cost was cheaper than most of my other trips. (Sorry about the plug, but it Everette’s words, not mine!)
See you again in October!
Everette Becker
Radium Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada
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