In my last 2 articles I covered the first 4 steps towards a successful group Thailand golf trip. They were group leader and date and location selection along with requesting quotations. Here are the final 2 steps.
5. Communicate and Build Consensus
After you’ve gotten the Thailand golf package quote(s), distribute the information to your group and call a meeting to discuss (maybe over a beer after next Saturday’s round). Then it’s time to build consensus – sometimes easy / sometimes difficult. The consensus may be ‘let’s go with it’, or it may be ‘we need to request some changes/options, get another quote and have another meeting’. This is a KEY time. The importance of giving everyone a chance to share opinions, and directing the group toward building a consensus cannot be overstated.
Also be sure everyone is aware of any terms relating to the Thailand golf tour offer validity, payments and cancellation terms. If unclear ask your tour operator to provide more information.
Once the itinerary is more or less set, you’ll need to get into details regarding the flights if you have not already done so. For international flights I find it is almost always best to arrange then in your country of origin for the best prices and options. Don’t be fooled by a local golf tour operator who states differently as he maybe just wanting to make more money from you and not have your best interests in mind.
6. Make a Decision and Commit
The next stage is to get commitments for your Thailand golf trip. Group members often need to check with employers / family members to ‘get the final OK’ at this point. Hotel, flight and course availabilities will also need to be verified. The tour operator will likely also request a commitment in the form of a deposit (ask their terms regarding changes / refunds / credits if your plans unexpectedly change).
Set a specific DEADLINE for group members to make a decision and commit with a deposit. This is where you separate the talkers from the doers, and shake out anyone still ‘on the fence’. The nature of some people is that they just don’t like making any commitments until they are absolutely forced to do so. If you wait for them to decide on their own timeline, the trip will either never happen, you may well find your preferred hotels / flights / courses no longer available, or maybe the price has gone up.
Once the commitments are in you can have your tour operator confirm the booking. After that there will surely be additional details, though the hard work is over and it’s time to start concentrating on your game … so you can give your mates a good whooping they won’t soon forget and thereby earn trash talking rights till the next trip.
So there you have it, the six steps to insure that your next group golfing in Thailand has a great time and successful trip.
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One Response
Thanks for the helpful golf information!