Golfing in Thailand: Checklist of Essential Items to Bring to The Golf Course

Golfing in Thailand: Checklist of Essential Items to Bring to The Golf Course

Thai_golf_green_and_sand_trap Here are the eight essential items I always bring with me to the golf course when playing golf in Thailand.

1. Every golf course in Thailand has lockers and showering facilities so make sure you bring a change of clothes. Many first time visitors don’t realize how hot it gets and most visitors will find themselves very wet after 18 holes in Thailand. Also, it is more enjoyable to relax in the club house, sip a cold beer and get a bite to eat after your round in a dry and clean set of clothes. This is very different from the USA or Europe where most golfers tend to practice “golf and run”, not spending time to neither socialize nor make use of the facilities.

2. Wear light colored clothing to deflect the sun, bring sun block, the highest available and definitely a cap, unless you want to go back to the hotel looking like a lobster.  The Thailand tropical sun is much stronger than in the west, especially in winter, and too many a visitor has suffered severe sunburn after playing only one round in Thailand. This is easily avoidable.

3. Bringing a rain cover is an excellent idea as you never know when a Thailand downpour will occur. The good thing is any rain, even during the middle of the rainy season, will cool things off and is unlikely to stop your round for too long, at most 1 hour. 

4. If you want to be useful, also bring some band-aids (plaster). You never know when a blister, insect bite, or scratch will require some minor on course first-aid.

5. Perhaps the most important thing to remember about going to a Thailand golf course, and in fact any golf course, is a good attitude. This is rarely included in a “must bring” list, but I find if you make a conscious effort to be positive, that you are much more likely to score well, thus ensuring a good time on the links and a memorable golfing holiday in Thailand.

6. Most of the golf courses in Thailand accept credit cards for purchases in the pro shop such as caps, balls and gloves. However, sometimes they’re systems can go down and in any case all Thailand golf courses require cash for caddies, so make sure you have ample cash (Thai baht only) available for any purchases. You should allow around 300 baht for caddie tips and perhaps another 200 baht for drinks and snacks on the course.

7. Bring an umbrella, not just for the rain but to give you shade from the sun. You will need it during the hot season.  As strange as this sounds a golf umbrella can lower on course temperatures by more than 5 degrees and make the difference between being dehydrated and exhausted from the heat before you even finish your round, to actually making for pleasant playing conditions.

8. Finally you should always carry the usual items any properly prepared golfer has including spare gloves, a towel or two (particularly useful for wiping sweat from yourself and your grips), and your favorite golf balls. Remember, most Thailand golf courses have lost of water hazards and it is not uncommon  for even good golfers to loose several golf balls during their round.

If you have any good tips on things to bring when golfing in Thailand please feel free to post here or if you prefer you can email me at my Thailand golf vacation company.

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6 Responses

  1. Mark: I strongly agree with must bring #5, that along with a sense of humor, specially for the first course. When things are going bad (and they will) take the time to talk to your caddy or golfing partner and chalk this round up to a great day in the sunshine.

  2. I am interested in finding golf balls at reasonable prices around Pattaya as my flight weight allowance is going to make bringing loads a struggle.

  3. Thanks for the latest newsletter, great read.
    Last time we went to Phuket I had made up some cards with Yards V Metres for distances commonly called by the caddies. The caddies soon got into the act and were quoting us in Metres which we are used to. Needless to say the caddies retained the cards for future use. We also took your previous advice and added 1 club many times with good effect.

  4. Ted,
    On the main road to Siam Country Club,from Sukhumvit Road, sorry I don’t know the name but it is the road directly to Siam CC (may actually be called Soi Siam CC road) there are a few used ball sellers alongside the road. Probably cheaper than at the course and more selection.

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