With the Festive Season approaching at breakneck speed, like me, you may be in a state of panic as to what presents to buy. Here are six ideas for your Thailand golfing loved one:
1. For his/her next golfing holiday in Thailand, a new travel golf bag will be well received. One of the best I have seen recently is the OGIO Mammoth (US$330.00). This sturdy golf travel bag stands upright and glides effortlessly in transit thanks to four sturdy, swiveling wheels. The OGIO Mammoth has a wide mouth opening that unzips the full length of the bag. Once inserted, your golf bag stays securely in place.. There is a shoe pocket, carry handle, hat pocket, plus four exterior pockets for rain gear or other last minute check-in items.
2. Very handy when you are golfing in Thailand on a hot day is the Golf Club Kooler Klub (US$49.99), the best way to discreetly carry beverages with you on the Thailand golf course. This high-tech cooler club holds 48oz of hold or cold beverages (enough to satisfy a thirsty foursome). It looks like an ordinary golf club, however just a few taps on the dispenser is all it takes it fill your glass or flask. The shaft of this Golf Club Kooler Klub fits easily into your bag takes ice cubes, carbonated beverages, or alcohol. Just do not tell the club officials, as outside drinks are frowned upon at most Thailand golf courses.
3. Leadbetter Golf Instruction – 3 DVD set (US$29.99) . One of the world’s best golf coaches brings you key fundamentals and techniques in this set from the David Leadbetter Golf Instruction Series: “Taking It to the Course”, “Practice Makes Perfect”, and “Greatest Tips“
4. If he or she is golfing in Thailand for the first time, another DVD is: “Golf for Dummies” with Gary McCord (US$14.99) . Gary does a good job, spicing up sound advice with good humor. He breaks up his tips into sections on stance, swing, putting, short game and common faults. A entertaining and useful introduction to the game of golf.
5. If you are looking for a golfing gift for someone who you suspect may over-indulge over the Festive Season, how about “Mike Pederson’s Ultimate Golf Fitness System”? (US$89.95) This is a new golf fitness system package that gives you everything you need to power up your Thailand golf game fast! It includes three DVD sets and Companion Booklets, a 370 Page Training Manual filled with hundreds of simple golf stretches, exercises and programs.
6. If all of these golf training aids are not quite producing the desired results, and as the price of premium golf balls rockets, the recipient will appreciate your present of an “I GOTCHA Ball Retriever” (US$29.95). Your loved one’s Thailand golf caddie can fish his errant golf balls out of the canals that line most Thailand golf courses, thus saving costs and allowing for even more golf.
So there you have it, six great Thailand golf gifts. Now stock up, get out, and hopefully see you on the golf course in Thailand this winter. Merry Christmas!
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4 Responses
I know a few people that would enjoy that gold cooler club!
I know a few people that would enjoy that golf cooler club!
Bill – seems like you may have tried it a few times too many yourself: you’re not just seeing double, you’re posting double too! :-)). Cheers!
Very, very nicely done!