Thailand golf caddies raise so many questions for golf travelers here that I thought to completely re-write, including some original photos,my prior Thailand Golf Caddies article.
As regular golfers in Thailand know, one of the undoubted joys of playing golf here is being aided and abetted by our delightful lady caddies. Yet, first time visitors are sometimes nervous about having to take a caddie (even when they rent a golf cart), perhaps feeling that their standard of golf is not up to being observed at close hand.
Don’t worry! The caddie is only interested in making your golf round as enjoyable as possible. She sees her job as allowing you to concentrate on playing your game and, if you play well, she joins in your delight.
Most Thai caddies are female. Generally, they are attractive, friendly, polite, and radiate pure femininity (see photo above). Apart from carrying your golf bag for you, the caddie will also, when asked to do so, advise you on the layout of the course, forewarn you of hazards, give you yardage’s and even suggest which club to play.
She will always have a dry towel, tee and clean ball available, spot your ball after you have hit it, and clean your club after every shot. On the putting green, she will mark and clean your ball and give you advice on the line and speed of your putt.
As your transport draws up in front of the clubhouse, usually there are twenty or thirty caddies awaiting selection. My advice: don’t always find pick the youngest and prettiest! (In my case, my wife frowns when I have the same caddie twice at any golf course).
Often times, the more mature, slightly chubby caddie (probably a mother of three) will be better for your golf. On the other hand, golfers have been known occasionally to strike up liaisons with their regular caddies, with 2 guys I know even ending up marrying their caddies.
One of these marriages, to this day has a had a rather comical ongoing twist. The man, an experienced golfer, now never sees his ex-caddie wife at the golf club as she, after becoming a single figure golfer, prefers to avoid playing with high handicappers, her husband!
What a true golf story with a somewhat ironic situation. Such a thing could only occur here as, "This is Thailand"! At least they are happily married off the course!
Tomorrow will see the continuation and final part of this post. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, if you need to reach me you can contact me at my Thailand golf holiday and vacation company.
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2 Responses
Golf Phuket vs. Golf France
Yesterday at Phuket Country Club I golfed with a group of French golfers from Paris on a Phuket golf holiday. During the round, I asked them how golf in France compared with golf in Thailand. The first difference they mentioned
Would have to agree with you 100%, having played golf on samui for two years running
now, and hope to get back soon just to have the pleasure of playing a round with some of the most friendly and talanted caddies I have ever had the privilage to meet.
Being a bit nervous, as you would,playing in a different country for the first time with complete strangers just seemed to fade away after the first hole,from then on it was just the most relaxed and enjoyable few hours I have ever spent on any golf course,at home or abroad.
Go there people you won’t be disappointed.