Christmas is fast approaching and, probably, like me if you are in Thailand, you are wondering what to buy your loved one, or ask your spouse to buy you!. Here are three unique golf gift ideas:
1. Pocketshots™ are a handy pocket-sized set of golf lessons that you can take with you when you practice or play. No bigger than a passport these clever fold-out lessons contain great pictures and instructions to help you improve every aspect of your game. There are nine editions from the Swing and Putting, to the Short Game and Bunker play; written by a fine array of international golf coaches to improve every aspect of your game.
Pocketshots™ are not your average golf tips- but concise game improving lessons. Retailing at around 10 US$ each or 40 US$ for a Christmas gift pack of 6 editions, this has got to be one of the most cost effective ways of working on your all round game. You can even watch the video versions of these on your Ipod, or other portable video device, anytime you get a short break during the day, a great time filler indeed!
2. One of the latest innovations in golf equipment and golf accessories is the Caddy Handheld GPSS Receiver. You switch it on as you arrive at the club, select the course you are playing on the day and it will immediately give you the distances you require for each hole you play. At all times throughout a hole the Receiver will display the distance to the front of the green you are playing – even if you are on an adjoining fairway or through the green.
You will also know how far it is to carry up to three primary hazards on each hole: bunkers, water, dog legs, fairway run out, hollows or paths etc. If you want to record the distance achieved by each club in the bag, either during a practice session or a round of golf you can do so. The Receiver will record and average your distances of each club for you so that it will even know which club to recommend for any given distance. Measuring devices such as this one are now legal under GPA rules. Cost around 385 US$.
Of course, we are most fortunate here in Thailand where we have marvelous, eagle-eyed lady caddies, so that we do not need such a device.
3. Likewise, the next possible Christmas present is most useful in your home countries, especially at this time of the year when there are lots of leaves on the ground. This is the Ballfinder Scout™, an innovative electronic device that can quickly locate hard-to-find golf balls. Developed by world-famous scientists, it works with any standard white golf ball and locates golf balls within seconds at 35 feet when only 3 dimples or only 1% of the ball are visible. Cost around 250 US$ – less than the cost of losing a Titleist Pro V1 every week for a year. Try it and you will be amazed at the results, and savings!
If anyone has any other Christmas golf gift suggestions, please feel free to post a comment here or if you prefer you can contact me at my Thailand golf vacation company.
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