Thailand Golf Zone Q&A

Thailand Golf Zone Q&A

Thailand_golf_questions_and_answersOver the last few weeks several emails have come in requesting advice on Thailand golf some serious and others more light-hearted. I a qualified to answer those about golf travel in Thailand, but those golf playing questions are another matter all together. For these, I have passed the queries on to a good friend of mine who is an expatriate golf professional in Thailand here. Here are a few of the questions and answers from both myself and our pro.

1. Should I abstain from sex the night before playing golf? I ask this because my wifecomplains when I do not perform whenever I am playing golf the next day. She is also jealous because I always have the same Thai caddie.
Serious sportsmen should always give their bodies every chance to rest for about 1 week before participating in their sport.

2. I am fed up with the people who are playing behind me pushing up on me and affecting my game. Can you give me some advice what to do in this situation?
When other players are annoying you in this way, you can do as the Thai golfers do and skip one hole to put yourself well ahead of those following.

3. My aim is to cut my average score in half. Do you have any tips which will help?
Just one – play 9 holes only instead of 18. This can also help with the situation raised in the first question as you will have more time to spend with your wife.

4. I am becoming increasingly frustrated with my golf game. What can I do to improve?
Take two weeks off from golf, and then go back to the links. The distractions from golf usually help take the edge off and you will be surprised at your score after being away and not trying so hard.

These are just a few of the dialogs that have come up lately. Perhaps you have a question or comment about Thailand golf or golf in general. If so feel free to post here or if you really prefer you can also contact me offline at my Thailand golf vacation company and I will take care of the posting duties.

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