Snow, Ice and Cold Temperatures Forecast for the UK

Snow, Ice and Cold Temperatures Forecast for the UK

Scottish Golf Course this week

More snow is expected to fall as temperatures plunge amid Met Office warnings.

Snow has now fallen across parts of the UK following the coldest night of the year since last winter.

More snow has been forecast to fall across parts of the UK as temperatures plunge to -1c and the Met Office issues several weather earnings.

Meanwhile, here in Thailand, over 40 vacationers from all over the world are due to tee off at tomorrow at three top-class Pattaya championship courses, where the average temperature is 33c.

Most of Scotland’s famous courses are almost unplayable now, whereas the competitors in Golfasian’s Pullman Pattaya Invitational Series will enjoy their rounds on pristine courses with the sun on their backs.

Chee Chan Golf Club in Thailand

If you would like to escape the cold European winters, then why not head to SE Asia and let Golfasian  create a memorable golf vacation for you?


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