Sex, Lies and Obsession

Sex, Lies and Obsession

Could golfers be the most driven and obsessive of athletes? 

Sex_lies_cartoon_1 A survey from Lexus, in connection with the automaker’s involvement with the U.S. Open Championship, reveals that golfers may be the most fanatic and persistent of sportsmen. Whether it means skipping out on family obligations or forgoing their next raise, there’s almost nothing they won’t do to achieve perfection. Here are the findings from the survey:

Ø      Four out of ten golfers (43%) would readily give up sex for a month in order to have the perfect golf swing!

Ø      And more than one in five — 22% — would give up their hair!.

Ø      Another 21% would be willing to sacrifice their next raise.

Ø      In their never-ending quest for perfection, a majority of golfers have told a white lie about where they were when they were actually playing golf (60%).

Sex_lies_cartoon_2 Ø      Two out of three golfers have skipped work in order to play golf (66%).

Ø      More than four out of ten have skipped church or religious services (43%), and a similar percentage have bailed out on a family gathering (41%).

Ø      In what may well lead to a record number of women signing up for golf lessons, 43% of women who golf say the sport has improved their relationship with their significant other.

Ø      Three out of ten golfers say if they had to choose, they’d rather have a perfect golf swing than a perfect marriage (30%).

Sex_lies_cartoon_3 Ø     Ø More than seven out of ten young golfers ages 18-29 admit they’ve called in sick and gone to the course rather than to work (73%).

Ø  Nearly one out of every two golfers (49%) says when buying a car they check to see how many bags of clubs can fit into the trunk.

Ø  More than one in five golfers (22%) say their golf skills beat their skills in bed or behind the wheel: they’re better at golf than at sex or driving!

Play fast, swing slow.

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